Sunday, August 08, 2004


My cat got hit by a car and died tonight...I knew something bad was going to happen...


Blogger will said...

That's horrible. Sorry to hear that.

12:24 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Thanks...It's amazing the presence one cat can bring to a household...a family...just like the death of a person, that hole is there. My house feels and looks weird to me...I had such a horrible time sleeping last night, every time I closed my eyes I thought about something different. I wished I had pet him more, held him more, played with him more, that day. I felt guilty in a sense. It's awful, watching you're own cat struggle for life, for a breath, he got hit hard, that picture of him like that will never leave me. I hope that asshole that was going 40mph down a 15mph road goes to hell.

6:44 AM  

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