Over and Over Again
I’ve been so stressed out lately, life is so hard and strenuous…and I don’t say that because I’ve been stressed out but because I know that I don’t even have it half as bad as a lot of people and I still feel like I can’t handle it. I don’t have faith in a lot of things, most of all myself. A lot of the time I feel like I’m going nowhere. I question what I’m doing and why I’m doing it and I feel like I’m headed down a road with no real destination.
I keep coming back to this…it depresses me and makes me want to make decisions, life changing decisions, and sometimes I do…And this is what scares me, what if I make these choices because I feel like I have to, and not because I want to. I’ll end up somewhere that I don’t want to be, doing something I don’t want to do, with people I don’t want to be with. I feel like life is forcing me to end up somewhere and then be content with that one destination. What do I do if I want more than just one life?
Sometimes we have to make hard decisions based on what will benefit or make us happy in the end. Whatever it is that you wish you could give up or change, would it be worth it in the end to do so? Is it really as bad as you would think to give that thing up? Take some serious consideration in matters you wish to change; it could be worth it to fly away...
Worth...an interesting label.
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